Waira’s First Journey

The story describes the first time young Waira joins her parents on their trip from their mountain home to the market in Topojo. The journey normally takes two days, but in order to give Waira, and readers, a glimpse of Aymara history, the family takes a long detour to the ruins of the ancient city of Tiwanaku. They also stop near Lake Titicaca before finally arriving at the market. All of these events give Topooco the opportunity to describe some of the customs, history, lifestyle, and folklore of the people.

Amazon Basin: Vanishing Cultures

This photo-essay by Jan Reynolds offers a rare glimpse into the life of the Yanomama of the Amazon Basin.The award-winning Vanishing Cultures seven-book series, now available again in beautiful, updated editions. Features photographic accounts of children from indigenous cultures around the world to explore their daily lives, relationships with their environments, and challenges in a changing world.

Where Angels Glide at Dawn: New Stories from Latin America

A unique collection of contemporary Latin American stories. These tales represent a variety of countries and a wide range of voices. This anthology is a superb medley of Latin Anerica’s diverse cultures and literatures.

Popol Vuh: A Sacred Book of the Maya

One of the few Maya documents to survive the Spanish conquest, the Popol Vuh describes the creation of the Maya universe and of humans. It tells the tale of the Hero Twins, who defeated the gods of the underworld in a ball game, and details the legendary history of the Quiche Maya rulers until their imprisonment and torture by the Spanish. Equivalent to the Bible and the Greek and Roman mythologies, the Popol Vuh is the essential text of Mayan culture.

Panama (Cultures Of The World)

The authors cover geography, history, government, population, notable residents, and landmarks in a clear, readable fashion about Panama. Brilliant full-color photos and reproductions abound, giving glimpses into historical and modern ways of life. Maps, charts, and graphs are plentiful and informative.

Jade and Iron: Latin American Tales from Two Cultures

The part one of this anthology contains mythic tales from the native inhabitants explaining how the world came to be. There are warriors and princesses who turn into towering volcanoes, an opossum who steals fire for mankind, and a giant worm who drinks a river so people can find fish. The second part contains stories from the Europeans who came to the New World and is about people’s relationships with each other and with nature. There’s a mysterious woman magician who escapes from jail on a flying boat, horses the color of rainbows, and a jungle creature who enchants a young girl.