Out Of The Woods

Antonio lived deep in the woods on the edge of a lake in a hotel that his mother ran. What Antonio loved most of all was exploring the woods, hoping to signs of the animals who lived there, but the animals always remained hidden, fearful of people.


It is 1424. France and England have been fighting for more than a hundred years, and Jehanne D’Arc experiences her first saintly vision. Even her parents think she’s delirious—until her next vision allows them to save the village. From a small town to the besieged city of Orleans and on to the cathedral of Reims, Joan follows her faith and leads the French to victory after victory. But not everyone believes in the divine voices she hears. Some call her a heretic and want her burned at the stake.

10 Ships That Rocked The World

Ships have sailed through human history for thousands of years. Sometimes, their dramatic voyages have even changed the course of the world–bringing cultures together in peace or conflict, playing a role in wars and revolutions, and transforming societies.

The Amazing Discoveries Of Ibn Sina

Born in Persia more than a thousand years ago, Ibn Sina was one of the greatest thinkers of his time — a philosopher, scientist and physician who made significant discoveries, especially in the field of medicine, and wrote more than one hundred books.

Welcome to the Museum: Historium

Welcome to the museum! There are more than 160 historical artifacts to be discovered in Welcome to the Museum: Historium. Wander the galleries of this museum whenever you wish—it’s open 365 days a year!—and discover a collection of curated objects on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different ancient civilization, from the Silla dynasty of Korea to ancient Rome.

When The Slave Esperança Garcia Wrote A Letter

In 1770, the slave Esperança Garcia bravely penned a letter to the governor of Piauí state, in Brazil, describing how she and her children were being mistreated and requesting permission to return to the farm where the rest of her family was living. Before she wrote her letter, Esperança Garcia lived on a cotton farm run by Jesuit priests, where she learned to read and write — a rare opportunity for a woman, especially a slave. But one day, she was separated from her husband and older children and taken with her two little ones to be a cook in the home of Captain Antonio Vieira de Couto, where she and the other slaves were beaten.

Letters From A Father To His Daughter

Jawaharlal NehruWhen Indira Gandhi Was A Little Girl Of Ten, She Spent The Summer In Mussoorie, While Her Father, Jawaharlal Nehru, Was Busy Working In Allahabad. Over The Summer, Nehru Wrote Her A Series Of Letters In Which He Told Her The Story Of How And When The Earth Was Made, How Human And Animal Life Began, And How Civilizations And Societies Evolved All Over The World.Written In 1928, These Letters Remain Fresh And Vibrant, And Capture Nehru’S Love For People And For Nature, Whose Story Was For Him `More Interesting Than Any Other Story Or Novel That You May Have Read’.

Historical Animals

Throughout history, animals have shaped the world as we know it. But rarely have they received the recognition they deserve. Until now. It’s not only people who make history; sometimes animals do, too. Whether it’s because of their amazing strength, courage under fire, or just being in the right place at the right time, every one of the animals you will learn about here is famous.


Some things are so huge or so old that it’s hard to wrap your mind around them. But what if we took these big, hard-to-imagine objects and events and compared them to things we can see, feel and touch? Instantly, we’d see our world in a whole new way. So begins this endlessly intriguing guide to better understanding all those really big ideas and numbers children come across on a regular basis.