Follow the adventures of two children as they dodge a mosquito’s buzzing through the jungle and lush landscape.
El Rey Colibri: Una Leyenda Guatemalteca (Leyendas Del Mundo)
A young chief who had been protected by a hummingbird is killed by his jealous uncle and then transformed into a quetzal, symbol of freedom.
El Valle De Los Cocuyos
Ninez: Spanish Songs, Games, And Stories Of Childhood
More than forty verses, games and stories of Spanish childhood folklore have been collected by the author from research based largely on archival materials gathered by WPA writers in the 1930s and in current interviews. A number of the pieces can be traced directly to Spain and were brought to America by early explorers and settlers. They serve as a link between the old and new worlds–a way to retain cultural and historical memory and transmit it to succeeding generations. Many interesting variations have occurred over the centuries, always the way with true folklore, as children have played the games and the stories have been told and retold. Literal translations, rules for playing the games and music for some of them are included. Winner of the Southwest Book Award from the Border Regional Library Association.
Fernando’s Gift / El Regalo De Fernando
In the rain forest of Costa Rica, a boy named Fernando lives with his family in the tin-roofed house that his father has built. He picks bananas right off the tree outside his door and swims in the river nearby. When Fernando finds his favorite climbing tree cut down, he learns that not everyone has respect for the beautiful forest. Full-color photos.
The Umbrella
A walk through the Costa Rican cloud forest provides a wonderfully lush setting for Jan Brett’s beloved animal illustrations. When Carlos drops his umbrella to climb a tree for a better view of the animals, they all cram into the banana-leaf umbrella as it floats by–from the little tree frog to the baby tapir to the big jaguar and more. It gets so crowded in the umbrella that there isn’t even enough room for a little hummingbird! So over the umbrella tumbles, everyone falls out, and poor Carlos comes back wondering why he didn’t see any animals all day.
In the spirit of Jan Brett’s The Mitten and The Hat, this cheerful tale of escalation will have readers poring over every illustration for the world of details Jan packs in. With its classic story, exotic jungle setting, and brilliantly colorful menagerie, The Umbrella is sure to take its place among Jan’s many family favorites.
Ana’s Story (Spanish Edition): La Historia De Ana: Un Camino Lleno De Esperanza
La historia de Ana comienza el día en que nació afectada con el VIH, virus que le transmitió su joven madre, quien muere pocos años después. Desde entonces, la infancia de Ana es una maraña de secretos—secretos sobre su enfermedad, su familia y los abusos que ha sufrido—. Arrastrada de una casa a otra, difícilmente encuentra seguridad o aceptación. Mas cuando se enamora y se embaraza a los diecisiete años, inicia una jornada que la conducirá a un nuevo comienzo, nuevas penas y una nueva esperanza.
Basada en su trabajo con UNICEF e inspirada en la vida de una chica que conoció personalmente, Jenna Bush narra la historia de muchos niños del mundo que viven marginados y excluidos de lo más elemental: cuidado, apoyo y educación. Al final del libro encontrarás una serie de recursos que te indican cómo puedes ayudar a cambiar la situación de niños como Ana y cómo puedes protegerte a ti y a los demás.