The Black Shadow

From the south of Brazil passing through Uruguay to the south of Argentina, spreads “the Pampas,” one of the best natural grazing lands of the world. The term “pampa” comes from the Quechua language and means “plain,” an open countryside without vegetation. In this region lives the gaucho, a unique character with typical custom, clothing and language.

Thunder Boy Jr.

Thunder Boy Jr. is named after his dad, but he wants a name that’s all his own. Just because people call his dad Big Thunder doesn’t mean he wants to be Little Thunder. He wants a name that celebrates something cool he’s done, like Touch the Clouds, Not Afraid of Ten Thousand Teeth, or Full of Wonder. But just when Thunder Boy Jr. thinks all hope is lost, he and his dad pick the perfect name…a name that is sure to light up the sky.

The Monkey King

Long ago, the Jade Emperor, the ruler of the Heavens, was so unhappy that China was in great turmoil that he even considered destroying its people. The Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin, suggested another way find Lord Buddha’s scriptures in India and bring them back to China this would help the Chinese to become peaceful and kind

My Name Is Cool: 18 Stories from a Cuban-Irish-American Storyteller

Antonio Sacre weaves the Spanish language, Cuban and Mexican customs, and Irish humor into a book of humor, inspiration, tradition, and family.

The Owl Who Wanted To See The Sun

There are birds that live under the light of the sun and others that only know the night. The owl was a great admirer of the moon. As a true night bird, she had no idea what the sun does. It was only natural, then, that the conversation of the great toad awoke her curiosity. A curiosity that kept growing until it dominated her completely. She had to see the sun, no one could stop her. But the adventure cost her dearly. Caught un an argument witha daytime bird, she ended up with exposing her vision to the sun’s rays, leading to a tragic end: the permanent loss of her vision. A tragedy in the animal world serves as a life lesson for the world of men.

Luis Paints The World

Nico doesn’t have to join the Army to see the world–that’s what younger brother Luis tries to show by painting a mural in the neighborhood alley. But Nico is deployed and his small brother paints the world in the alleyway to hold on to him.

Luis Paints the World is a WOW Recommends: Book of the Month for December 2016.