Verde Navidad / Green Christmas (Nueve Pececitos, Raices / Nine Small Fishes, Roots) (Spanish Edition)

Juanito, Victoria and Adelita can’t wait for Three King’s Day. Grandma Cheli brings shoeboxes for them to fill with fresh, green grass for the Kings’ horses, but there isn’t a single blade to be found growing in the city. The children are ready to give up, when their father suggests a creative solution to their problem.

Romance De El Conde Olinos

This story is about two individuals that cared for each other. It starts with “El Conde Olinos” singing to his horse while he gives him water, on the shores of the sea. The queen hears him and encourages her daughter to listen to the song. The girl innocently reveals the name of the singer, uncovering some loves that are not to the taste of the mother who announces, “ I will send him to kill”. Their threats are fulfilled, and the two lovers die. But the lovers become two birds that will fly together.

My Father’s Shop

Despite his father’s wishes, a Moroccan carpet seller’s son doesn’t want to learn foreign languages, but when trying to make a rooster crow in a crowded, tourist-filled market, he inadvertently learns how roosters crow in many countries.

My Mother’s Sari

Children in India playfully use their mothers’ beautiful saris as a train, a stage backdrop, a river, a rope, a hiding place, a blanket, or a handkerchief-ultimately, the sari expresses the love of mother and child. Dramatic photographs and acrylics on lightly stylized paper illustrate the simple text. Endpapers demonstrate how to wrap the long sari.

Digby Differs

Digby has always felt a little different from everyone else. For some reason he’s just never felt like he belonged. He longs for a place that felt like home, and one day his yearning sends him on a journey of discovery that takes him to a place where the air is different, and there’s a rushing sound quite unlike anything he’s ever heard before. At last, he finds a place where ”feeling different” feels just right.

How Much Does The Gray In An Elephant Weigh?

The wonder and variety of various zoo animals is explored in this book as full of questions as Kipling’s Elephant’s Child. From an elephant to a peacock, a rhinoceros to a flamingo, an inquisitive child and his grandfather visit and ponder each animal.


Holland – a land full of surprises, strange traditions, free-spirited people and a rich history. Charlotte Dematons, known for her well-loved picture book The Yellow Balloon, grew up in France, but moved to the Netherlands to study art as so many have before her. With the eye of an outsider but a warm heart for the country that became her new home, Charlotte Dematons paints with a keen eye for the detail for everything that makes The Netherlands so Dutch.