Elephants Never Forget!

When a terrible storm scatters a group of elephants, a little elephant finds himself all alone in the jungle. Where can he turn? The water buffalo look nice enough, but he couldn’t become a part of their herd. He decides to stay with them, but when they meet up with some elephants, he must make an important decision.

Morris’s Disappearing Bag: A Christmas Story

Morris, the youngest child, is spurned on Christmas morning by his brothers and sisters. He is not having much fun until he discovers a present he had overlooked–a disappearing bag that makes people invisible.

Oink, Oink Benny

Benny is going out. He is tired of hanging around inside. Benny’s little brother is going out, too. He’s also sick of hanging around inside. “Stay away from the mudhole,” says Benny’s mama. “Oink, oink,” says Benny. Then Benny and his little brother head straight for the mudhole.

The Tomten and the Fox

A tomten agrees to share his porridge with a hungry fox who in turn must not disturb the farm animals.

Waynetta and the Cornstalk: A Texas Fairy Tale

Times sure are tough on the ranch, and Waynetta and her ma can use all the luck they can get. But when Waynetta trades their last longhorn for a handful of so-called magic corn, Ma is none too pleased. “The only magic this corn’s got is the disappearin’ kind,” she says, and tosses it out the window. But come the next morning, there’s a giant cornstalk growing up to the sky, and Waynetta climbs it to find her own luck… Helen Ketteman’s Texas-style retelling of “Jack and the Beanstalk” is full of cowgirl sass. Diane Greenseid’s paintings bring rollicking new life to a familiar tale. The author lives in Florida; the illustrator lives in California.


Her island neighbors call her “Darkfright” because she is so afraid of the night. As darkness comes on, Darkfright does anything in her power to keep it away–she turns on all the lights and bustles around the house as if it were day. Then one night a fallen star crashed through her door, a star that needs care and mending, and ultimately to be replaced in the night sky. The broken star helped her see things differently.

Sam’s New Friend

Sam is only friends with boys. Boys are strong and tough–girls aren’t. But when Ellie joins Sam’s class and he’s forced to get to know her, he finds out that her parents may be getting a divorce. Then Sam sees just how strong and tough a girl can be, and he makes his first real friend.

The Fisherman and His Wife

Rachel Isadora brings another fabulous fairy tale to brilliant life with her stunning collages. The Brothers Grimm story of the kind fisherman who catches an enchanted fish, and his greedy wife who always wants more, is perfect for these “give-me” times.

Tara’s Flight

Tara is a dove. Before the flood, she brought messages back and forth between Noah and his family. Now she is confined to the small loft that Noah s grandson has built under the roof of the ark. For forty days and nights, Tara sits patiently in her loft, while outside thunder booms and rain pours down. One day Noah s grandson comes with a basket to take Tara to the deck of the arc. It s time for her to be a messenger bird again. If Tara returns to the arc, it will mean that Noah s house is still under water. If Tara doesn t return, it means she is waiting at home for the return of Noah and his family. Ruth Eitzen s gentle retelling of Noah, with endearing illustrations by Allan Eitzen, is perfect for young children.