Mnoomin Maan’gowing / The Gift Of Mnoomin

A child marvels at the intricate web of life surrounding a single mnoomin seed. Through imaginative exploration, the child envisions the interconnected roles played by various creatures, from the fleeting mayfly to the majestic eagle and sturdy moose. Each creature contributes to the seed’s journey, culminating in the possibility of its sprouting.

Written in Anishinaabemowin and English, this beautifully illustrated picture book showcases the cultural and ecological importance of the mnoomin seed.

The Same Sun Was In The Sky

A boy and his grandfather go hiking in the Arizona desert, where they observe the many rock carvings and imagine the lives of the Hohokam people who lived there in ancient times.

It Wasn’t Me!

Mouse learns about the dangers of jumping to conclusions when he and Ferret prematurely accuse Raven of stealing Ferret’s raspberries.