Arcadia Awakens

When 17-year-old Rosa Alcantara travels from her native Brooklyn to her ancestral home in Sicily, she falls head over heels for Alessandro Carnevare, whose family is the sworn enemy of hers, and must confront both of their families’ criminal–and paranormal–pasts.

Miss Sally Ann and the Panther

Miss Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind and Fireyes the panther engage in an epic wrestling match before becoming “great and glorious” friends.

These Hands

Joseph’s grandpa could do almost anything with his hands. He could play the piano, throw a curveball, and tie a triple bowline knot in three seconds flat. But in the 1950s and 60s, he could not bake bread at the Wonder Bread factory. Factory bosses said white people would not want to eat bread touched by the hands of the African Americans who worked there. In this powerful intergenerational story, Joseph learns that people joined their hands together to fight discrimination so that one day, their hands Joseph’s hands could do anything at all in this whole wide world.

Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong

Jangmi finds it hard to say goodbye to relatives and friends, plus the food, customs, and beautiful things of her home in Korea, when her family moves to America.

Fiesta! Board Book

Horns, airplanes, and tops. Whistles, gum, and rings. What should the children choose? And what will they do with all the things they buy? Open this book to find out and to count with them — in English and in Spanish. It’s easy! Trompetas, aviones y trompos. Silbatos, chicles y anillos. ¿QuÉ deben escoger los niÑos? ¿Y quÉ harÁn con todas las cosas que compran? Abra este libro para averiguarlo, y para contar con ellos — en inglÉs y en espanol. Es fÁcil.

One Crazy Summer

In the summer of 1968, after travelling from Brooklyn to Oakland, California, to spend a month with the mother they barely know, eleven-year-old Delphine and her two younger sisters arrive to a cold welcome as they discover that their mother, a dedicated poet and printer, is resentful of the intrusion of their visit and wants them to attend a nearby Black Panther summer camp.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 5, Issue 1

No Crystal Stair

A documentary novel of the life and work of Lewis Michaux, Harlem bookseller

‘You can’t walk straight on a crooked line. You do you’ll break your leg. How can you walk straight in a crooked system?’

Lewis Michaux was born to do things his own way. When a white banker told him to sell fried chicken, not books, because Negroes don’t read,’ Lewis took five books and one-hundred dollars and built a bookstore. It soon became the intellectual center of Harlem, a refuge for everyone from Muhammad Ali to Malcolm X.

In No Crystal Stair, Coretta Scott King Award-winning author Vaunda Micheaux Nelson combines meticulous research with a storyteller’s flair to document the life and times of her great uncle Lewis Michaux, an extraordinary literacy pioneer of the Civil Rights era.

‘My life was no crystal stair, far from it. But I’m taking my leave with some pride. It tickles me to know that those folks who said I could never sell books to black people are eating crow. I’d say my seeds grew pretty damn well. And not just the book business. It’s the more important business of moving our people forward that has real meaning.’

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 5, Issue 1