The Little Prince Graphic Novel

FRENCH EDITION. For over sixty-five years Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince has captured the hearts and minds of its readers. The whimsical story with a fairy tale touch has sold over 80 million copies in 230 languages. This exciting graphic adaptation features beautiful, new artwork by Joann Sfar. Hand-chosen by Saint-Exupéry’s French publishers for his literary style and sensitivity to the original, Sfar has endeavored to recreate this beloved story, both honoring the original and stretching it to new heights. A vibrant, visual gift for longtime fans and those experiencing the story for the first time.

A Field Guide For Heartbreakers

Best friends Dessy and Veronica arrive in Europe with wildly different plans. Dessy hopes to heal her newly broken heart by diving into the creative writing workshop that brought the girls to Prague. Veronica’s plan, meanwhile, is to conquer as many hot-dudes as possible in one month–and help Dessy recycle her heart in the process. Her method: Dress like you are the party. Explore the terrain. (Moderate stalking is totally allowed.) Be adventurous. And that means being prepared to hide in your suitcase. Ask questions that make your hot-dude feel smart. Gloss early, gloss often, and bring bum. Because a kiss can happen when you least expect it!At first, Veronica’s plan is working so well that Dessy thinks she might be a love genius. But soon it’s clear that Operation Maneater has a few holes. Like its failure to anticipate crazy mixed signals–and worse, its mysterious tendency to plague a friendship with secrets and lies. Well, no one ever said breaking hearts was a simple craft.

She’s Got Game

Fresh from the spotlight of their first television experience, the Amigas Inc. team is back, but the heat is always on in Miami and when they get hired to do an unusual quince for a bratty debutante, the temperature goes sky high.

I Will Save You

Seventeen-year-old Kidd Ellison runs away to work for the summer at a beach campsite in California where his hard work and good looks lead to friendship and love but painful past memories surface in menacing ways.

Justin Fisher Declares War!

At Spiro Agnew Elementary, the fifth graders rule the school. And class clown Justin Fisher rules them all. Or, at least, he did. Justin has always been the funniest kid in school. But this year, his new teacher isn’t amused. And when Justin gets in trouble with Mr. Tripp over and over, the other kids turn on him, too. No one wants to be friends with the class troublemaker. But Justin Fisher isn’t going down without a fight.


Griffin Bing’s new principal doesn’t like him. And Griffin doesn’t like the boot camp football atmosphere the new principal has brought. Griffin manages to stay out of trouble — until a Super Bowl ring disappears from the school’s display case, with Griffin’s retainer left in its place. Griffin has been framed! Unfortunately, the Man doesn’t have a Plan – and everything his team tries to find out who really took the ring backfires. Griffin ends up in an alternate school, then under house arrest, and finally with an electronic anklet – with no way to prove his innocence! Griffin smells a rat – but will he be able to solve the mystery in time?


The second book in Westerfeld’s masterful series. Sequel to: Leviathan. Continues the story of Austrian Prince Alek who, in an alternate 1914 Europe, eludes the Germans by traveling in the Leviathan to Constantinople, where he faces a whole new kind of genetically-engineered warships.

Queen of Hearts

Marie-Claire Coté is fifteen-head-strong and full of life. It’s 1941, Canada is two years into World War II, and workers are scarce. So Marie-Claire pitches in on the family farm, tries to keep up with her school-work, and listening to stories told by her fun-loving hard-living uncle, Gérard. But the whole family is taken aback Gérard is diagnosed with tuberculosis and even more shocked when Marie-Claire and her younger brother and sister are all stricken with the disease and are sent to “chase the cure” at a nearby sanatorium located in the rolling hills of southern Manitoba. Marie-Claise fights her illness and longs for privacy in a place where there is none. She desperately wants to ignore the other “TB exiles” around her, especially her frail but irritatingly cheerful roommate Signy, who seems determined to become best friends. And then there’s fellow patient Jack Hawkings, the nineteen-year-old musician with the heart-stopping smile. Soon she discovers that the sanatorium is a world unto itself–a world in which loss can be survived, and friendship, and love can be found in unexpected places.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 4, Issue 3