Teenage Refugees from Haiti Speak Out (In Their Own Voices)

These books begin with historical overviews of Haiti, including the reasons for recent political unrest. The first-person narratives of young refugees follow. All of the teens tell why they left their native countries, how they made their journeys, their experiences and difficulties in North America, and if they plan to return to their homelands. The introductions state that the young people were interviewed; it is unclear exactly when these conversations took place. It seems in Haiti as if they occurred prior to the reinstatement of President Aristide.

Secrets of the Sphinx

The Great Sphinx is one of the largest sculptures in the world. Six stories high and a city block wide, it has stood guard over the pyramids of Egypt’s Giza Plateau for 4,500 years. Who built the Sphinx and why? And how did primitive sculptors manage to carve such a towering monument? In search of answers, the author takes readers back to a time before written history and traces the trail of clues left behind by the ancient Egyptians. As he explores various theories, he seamlessly incorporates information on the pyramids, the Rosetta Stone, Atlantis, and more.


The Parthenon. It was ravaged by the early Christians, occupied by the Turks, and looted by the British. Wars were fought all around it. Plato and Socrates, Phidias and Pericles contemplated philosophy, art, drama, and democracy on its steps. And today its proud, ruined columns stand high above the city of Athens, Greece, the last sentinels of what’s often considered to be the most important architectural achievement in the world. The Parthenon is without rival in regard to its beauty, purity of design, and tumultuous history. It grew out of war and strife, political uprisings and financial difficulties, and remains a symbol of what humanity — at its very best — is capable of accomplishing.

The Big Lie: A True Story

The author describes her experiences as a survivor of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz during World War II.

Adelina’s Whales

Adelina is a ten-year-old girl who lives in a quiet fishing village in Baja California, Mexico. Adelina has some very special friends-the gray whales-that come every year to spend the winter months and give birth to their calves in the protected lagoon near her home. This beautifully photographed photo-essay introduces young readers to a very special way of life, offering insights into the world of these giant mammals of the sea. Text and photographs by Richard Sobol.

Cinco de Mayo: Celebrating the Traditions of Mexico

Every Cinco de Mayo, Rosa and her family cheer at a parade and enjoy delicious Mexican food. But what exactly is Cinco de Mayo? Although many people think May fifth marks Mexico’s independence, the holiday is actually the anniversary of a decisive battle against foreign occupiers. Today, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by many. Follow Rosa, a vivacious Mexican-American girl from California, as she learns about he heritage and celebrates the holiday with her family, friends, and community.

Here Come the Brides

From Syrian brides who dye their hands red with henna to the brides of Java, who wear headdresses of golden leaves and flowers, intriguing trivia, inviting prose, and rich illustrations come together to win both the hearts and the minds of young girls of all backgrounds, whatever their wedding dreams may be.

One World, Many Religions: The Ways We Worship

Illustrated with black-and-white and  full-color photographs. “Today, most religious people in the world practice one of these seven religions [Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism].All have had a deep effect on the laws and customs of every country. They have shaped art, literature, music, and education. They have given the world magnificent stories, songs, buildings, holy objects, ceremonies, and festivals.” From the Introduction to Many Religions, One World. Best-selling children’s author Mary Pope Osborne presents an accessible and elegantly crafted volume that introduces young readers to the world’s seven major religions. Six short readable chapters–perfectly targeted to fourth, fifth, and sixth graders–detail the history, beliefs, and practices of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Handsomely designed and featuring fifty oversized color photographs and a full complement of reference materials, including a map, time line, and bibliography, this book provides a thorough and thoughtful presentation of the diverse ways people worship around the world.