Where Jamaica Go?

Jamaica has fun and sees many colorful sights as she goes downtown, goes to the beach, and rides home with Daddy.

Rata-Pata-Scata-Fata: A Caribbean Story

This is the story of Junjun, a little boy who wants to help his mother, but who doesn’t really want to exert any effort in the process. Instead, he invokes the nonsense phrase, “rata-pata-scata-fata” to accomplish several tasks she sets before him: getting a fish for dinner, finding a lost goat, and collecting a bucket of tamarinds. Lastly, she asks him to fill the rain barrel. Junjun lies on the ground, repeats the words several times, and the chores are completed. Of course, no magic is really involved, only coincidence-or is it?

Waking Beauty

Everyone knows Sleeping Beauty has to be woken with a kiss, except Prince Charming. Every time the fairies watching over her try to tell him, he interrupts with his ideas of how to wake her. Eventually he gets the message, and his reaction is priceless: “One hundred years of morning breath Wow! That could be the kiss of death!” This fractured fairy tale will elicit laughter that no one will be able to sleep through.

Sarah’s Little Ghosts

When Sarah breaks her mother’s favorite necklace, she lies to cover it up. But the lie isn’t the only thing that comes out of her mouth. A little ghost pops out, too! And for every new lie Sarah tells, another ghost appears. There seems to be only one way to get rid of them, but which is scarier: living in your own haunted house, or telling the truth?

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Twenty-third Psalm, one of the world’s most cherished prayers, is paired with some of the most exquisite illustrations in this inspirational picture book by New York Times Best Illustrator Gennady Spirin. This never-before-created format, made from one large, magnificent painting, gives parents and children an opportunity to share the experience, making prayer time even more profound.


On Lisette’s farm there are many animals. Lisette loves her animals and they are all very happy–except Pitschi, the smallest kitten. Pitschi wants to be something different. It takes a terrifying night in a strange place and a warm homecoming for Pitschi to discover that what she really wants is to be a kitten after all.

A Bicycle For Rosaura

Senora Amelia loves animals. In this lively and cheery story from Venezuela, you will see to what lengths she will go in order to grant her handsome hen Rosaura a birthday wish. The delicate colored pencil drawings lend warmth and charm to this tale. Their color and light precisely portray the sense of place–a small town in Venezuela.

Egyptian Diary: The Journal of Nakht

In ancient Egypt, Nakht records his experiences as his family moves from small town Esna to the big, exciting city of Memphis, where he studies to be a scribe like his father and helps discover who has been robbing graves.

Divali Rose

Ricki is looking forward to Divali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. He’s also waiting for two special rosebuds to bloom. The buds are on the bush that his grandfather had planted in the front yard. His grandfather promises that the roses will be the color of Divali. One morning, on his way to school, Ricki bends one of the rosebuds to get a closer look and accidentally snaps it off. When his grandfather believes the new neighbors have stolen his rosebud, Ricki must summon the courage to confess what he has done.

Gugu’s House

Kukamba loves to visit her grandmother, Gugu. Though the village where Gugu lives is dry and dusty, her house is big and sprawling and unlike any other. The courtyard and walls are decorated with beautiful paintings and clay animals, all made by Gugu herself. Best of all, when Kukamba visits, she gets to help shape and paint some of the wonderful zebras, elephants, and birds that Gugu is always adding to the house. When the heavy rains come and her grandmother’s showpieces are destroyed, Kukamba is crushed. But the Gugu helps her see that an ending can also be a beginning, and art is not the only beauty the world has to offer.