Tiempo de dolor Nakay Pacha

“Tiempo del dolor” narra, con crudo realismo, el enfrentamiento entre comunidades campesinas en medio de una guerra generalizada, como también de batallas y escaramuzas libradas entre las fuerzas armadas del estado y los grupos subversivos.
De la Colección Runasimi, edición bilingüe quechua-español.
Traducción al quechua de Washington Córdova Huamán.

Time of pain” narrates, with crude realism, the confrontation between peasant communities in the midst of a generalized war, as well as battles and skirmishes waged between the armed forces of the state and the subversive groups.
From the Runasimi Collection, bilingual Quechua-Spanish edition.
Quechua translation of Washington Córdova Huamán.

La Casa Del Arbol/ The Tree House: Nivel 1/ Level 1

Quien no sono con tener una casa en un arbol desde donde parece mas facil ser libre y volar? Quien no anhela un sitio exclusivo donde refugiarse y animar los propios suenos? Ramon construye, con ayuda de su padre, una casa en la copa de un arbol de alli…

El Hombre Que Lo Tenía Todo, Todo, Todo

Dejar volar la imaginación, eso es lo que hizo Miguel Ángel Asturias cuando escribió El Hombre que lo Tenía Todo Todo Todo, novela corta en la que se condensan el estilo elegante, las influencias del surrealismo y de la literatura oral, y el gusto por la fantasía que caracterizaban la obra de su autor

Life, After

After a terrorist attack kills Dani’s aunt and unborn cousin, life in Argentina–private school, a boyfriend, a loving family–crumbles quickly. In order to escape a country that is sinking under their feet, Dani and her family move to the United States. It’s supposed to be a fresh start, but when you’re living in a cramped apartment and going to high school where all the classes are in another language–and not everyone is friendly–life in America is not all it’s cracked up to be. Dani misses her old friends, her life, Before. But then Dani meets a boy named Jon, who isn’t like all the other students. Through him, she becomes friends with Jessica, one of the popular girls, who is harboring a secret of her own. And then there’s Brian, the boy who makes Dani’s pulse race. In her new life, the one After, Dani learns how to heal and forgive. She finds the courage to say goodbye and allows herself to love and be loved again.

Whiskers, Tails & Wings

A collection of folktales from Mexico. Senor Grillo, the fearless cricket, uses his wits to battle Señor Puma. Monsi, the humble sea turtle, braves the ocean’s depths for a grain of sand. And persistent Pulga, the flea, makes sure that Man and Woman are itching to get to work.

Doggy Slippers

Children everywhere love pets, and some are even lucky enough to get their own. In Doggy Slippers Jorge Luján offers a collection of poems about pets inspired by children. Luján turned funny and touching anecdotes his young readers sent him about the role of pets in their lives into fresh poems, selecting the 12 best for this book. His status as one of the most important poets writing for children today, combined with Isol’s unique, childlike take on the world, makes this the perfect poetry collection for young readers.

Verde Navidad / Green Christmas (Nueve Pececitos, Raices / Nine Small Fishes, Roots) (Spanish Edition)

Juanito, Victoria and Adelita can’t wait for Three King’s Day. Grandma Cheli brings shoeboxes for them to fill with fresh, green grass for the Kings’ horses, but there isn’t a single blade to be found growing in the city. The children are ready to give up, when their father suggests a creative solution to their problem.


When Cassie was a little girl, her grandmother told her a fairy tale about her mother, who made a deal with the Polar Bear King and was swept away to the ends of the earth. Now that Cassie is older, she knows the story was a nice way of saying her mother had died. Cassie lives with her father at an Arctic research station, is determined to become a scientist, and has no time for make-believe.Then, on her eighteenth birthday, Cassie comes face-to-face with a polar bear who speaks to her. He tells her that her mother is alive, imprisoned at the ends of the earth. And he can bring her back — if Cassie will agree to be his bride.That is the beginning of Cassie’s own real-life fairy tale, one that sends her on an unbelievable journey across the brutal Arctic, through the Canadian boreal forest, and on the back of the North Wind to the land east of the sun and west of the moon. Before it is over, the world she knows will be swept away, and everything she holds dear will be taken from her — until she discovers the true meaning of love and family in the magical realm of Ice.