Mi Papá Es Un Agrícola / My Father, The Farm Worker

Set against the backdrop of endless fields stretching to the horizon, the story follows a day in the life of a farm worker through the eyes of his proud son. From sunrise to sunset, the father toils tirelessly, gathering the crops that sustain their community and fill their bellies.

Through lyrical prose and stunning illustrations, the book illuminates the sacrifice and hardship endured by farm workers as they labor to provide for their families. It celebrates their unwavering dedication and the deep love that drives them to work from dawn till dusk, shaping the natural world with their hands.

Presented in both English and Spanish, “Harvesting Love / Cosechando Amor” is a bilingual treasure that honors the contributions of farm workers while offering young readers a window into their world. Parents and children alike will be captivated by the rich tapestry of colors and the poignant message of resilience, perseverance, and the enduring bond between parent and child.

The Prince And The Coyote

Fifteen year old Acolmiztli, crown prince of a Pre Columbian Mexico (c. 1418), wants nothing more than to see Tetzcoco thrive. But after a palace plot leaves his father dead, Acolmiztli is forced into exile with his mother and siblings, where they must seek refuge in the wilderness as their lives depend on it. After a coyote comes to their aid by helping Acolmiztli find his way, he takes on the new name of Nezahualcoyotl, or fasting coyote (“Neza” for short). A blend of poetry and prose, including translations of surviving poems written by Nezahualcoyotl, translated from classical Nahuatl by David Bowles, this action-packed epic takes readers on an adventure, bringing to life one of Mexico’s most treasured heroes – Nezahualcoyotl.

Saints Of The Household

Bribri American brothers, Max and Jay, have always depended on each other for their survival. Growing up with a physically abusive father, they have learned that the only way to protect themselves, as well as their mother, is to keep their heads down and adhere to a strict schedule. But after intervening when a classmate gets into a fist fight, resulting in the school’s star soccer player being beat to a pulp by both brothers’ hands, they must grapple with the realization that they may be more like their father than they thought. In order to move forward, they will have to reach back to their Bribri roots.


Pedro Martín has grown up hearing stories about his abuelito, his legendary crime-fighting, grandfather who was once a part of the Mexican Revolution! But that doesn’t mean Pedro is excited at the news that Abuelito is coming to live with their family. After all, Pedro has 8 brothers and sisters and the house is crowded enough! Still, Pedro piles into the Winnebago with his family for a road trip to Mexico to bring Abuelito home, and what follows is the trip of a lifetime, one filled with laughs and heartache. Along the way, Pedro finally connects with his abuelito and learns what it means to grow up and find his grito.

Featured in Volume XVI, Issue 3 of WOW Review.

Los Coquíes Aún Cantan: Un Cuento Sobre Hogar, Esperanza Y Reconstrucción (Spanish Edition)

¡Co-quí, co-quí! Los coquíes le cantan a Elena desde el amado árbol de mango de su familia—sus llamadas son tan conocidas que es como si estuvieran cantando, “Estás en casa, estás a salvo.” Pero de repente, su hogar no es tan seguro cuando un huracán atenta con destruir todo lo que Elena conoce. Con el paso del tiempo, Elena, junto a su comunidad, comienza a reconstruir su hogar, sembrando semillas de esperanza en el camino. Cuando los sonidos de los coquíes regresan gradualmente, reflejan la resiliencia y fuerza de Elena, su familia, y sus compatriotas puertorriqueños. Co-quí, co-quí! The coquí frogs sing to Elena from her family’s beloved mango tree—their calls so familiar that they might as well be singing, “You are home, you are safe.” But home is suddenly not safe when a hurricane threatens to destroy everything that Elena knows.
As time passes, Elena, alongside her community, begins to rebuild her home, planting seeds of hope along the way. When the sounds of the coquíes gradually return, they reflect the resilience and strength of Elena, her family, and her fellow Puerto Ricans.

The Coquíes Still Sing: A Story Of Home, Hope, And Rebuilding

A powerful story about home, community, and hope, inspired by the rebuilding of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria in 2017, written by debut author Karina González and illustrated by Krystal Quiles.


Before she decides whether to accept her stepfather’s proposal of adoption, twelve-year-old Adela Ramírez reaches out to her estranged biological father–who is in the midst of a career comeback as a luchador and the eccentric extended family of wrestlers she has never met, bringing Adela closer to understanding the expansive definition of family.

May Your Life Be Deliciosa

“What is the recipe?” I ask. Abuela laughs. “It is in my heart, Rosie. I use mis ojos, my eyes, to measure. Mis manos, my hands, to feel. Mi boca, my mouth, to taste. My abuela gave it to me, and I am giving it to you.” Each year on Christmas Eve, Rosie’s abuela, mamá, tía, sister, and cousins all gather together in Abuela’s kitchen to make tamales—cleaning corn husks, chopping onions and garlic, roasting chilis, kneading cornmeal dough, seasoning the filling, and folding it all—and tell stories. Rosie learns from her abuela not only how to make a delicious tamale, but how to make a delicious life, one filled with love, plenty of spice, and family.

The Other Half of Happy

Twelve-year-old Quijana is a biracial girl, desperately trying to understand the changes that are going on in her life; her mother rarely gets home before bedtime, her father suddenly seems to be trying to get in touch with his Guatemalan roots (even though he never bothered to teach Quijana Spanish), she is about to start seventh grade in the Texas town where they live and she is worried about fitting in–and Quijana suspects that her parents are keeping secrets, because she is sure there is something wrong with her little brother, Memito, who is becoming increasingly hard to reach.