
A thrilling and hilarious game of jungle hide-and-seek. Ready or not, here it comes! Deep in the heart of the jungle, something is on the hunt.
All of the animals have to run, hide, make no noise, and leave no trace. Fleeing in a frenzy, each animal dashes off to find a wacky way to hide from the mysterious hunter on their trail. Will they find a hiding place in time? More importantly, who or what are they running from?

Cloud Bread

Cloud Bread tells the story of cats who are able to fly after eating bread made of cloud. It is the story of two sibling cats with cloud fragments eating bread baked by their mother.

Holding On

A young girl spends song-filled summers with her music-loving grandmother in the Philippines, but when her beloved Lola starts slipping into silence and stillness, the girl helps her grandmother hold on with music and the joyful memories the songs bring.

Featured in WOW Review Volume XV, Issue 2.


Four individuals of dual male and female spirit bring their healing arts from Tahiti to Hawaii, where they are beloved for their gentle ways and miraculous cures and where they imbue four giant boulders with their powers.

This book is the WOW Recommends for May 2024.

Again, Essie? (Storytelling Math)

Rafael tries to save his toys from his baby sister, Essie, by building a wall from shoeboxes, toilet paper rolls, and other household objects in this playful exploration of spatial sense and geometry.

Rainbow Hands

When a young boy paints his nails with his mom’s nail polish, he discovers the most important thing of all: the magic of being his true self.

As the long late summer day stretches ahead of them, a young boy eagerly looks forward to his favorite time—painting-your-nails time. He know that when he dips into those magical bottles of nail polish, he will discover a color to express his every mood and feeling. Purple is the color of magic and mystery. White is the color of endless possibilities. At times, his papa frowns and says, “What have you done to your nails?” At other times, he says, “Why don’t you paint on paper instead?” But the little boy knows that painting his nails makes his hands look beautiful.

This color-filled story celebrates the joy of finding out who you are and embracing the courage to be yourself.

Malo And The Merry-Go-Round

“Malo the shrew promised to make pickles with Poto-but when he hears there’s a new merry-go-round in the forest, he selfishly sneaks off to find it, learning lessons about the importance of kindness, friendship, and integrity in the end”

Keepunumuk: Weeâchumun’s Thanksgiving Story

Wampanoag children listen as their grandmother tells them the story about how Weeâchumun (the wise Corn) asked local Native Americans to show the newcomers how to grow food to yield a good harvest–Keepunumuk–in 1621. The Thanksgiving story that most Americans know celebrates the Pilgrims. But without members of the Wampanoag tribe who already lived on the land where the Pilgrims settled, the Pilgrims would never have made it through their first winter. And without Weeâchumun (corn), the Native people wouldn’t have helped.