El Abuelo Ya No Duerme En El Armario

Todo apuntaba para que Alejandro tuviera un cumpleaños común y corriente, pero esta vez recibió un regalo que nunca imaginó: duerme en un armario, juega futbol como nadie y cuenta historias misteriosas sobre marineros. Gracias a este Alejandro comenzará a ver las cosas de manera distinta.

Isabel Allende: Recuerdos Para Un Cuento / Isabel Allende: Memories For A Story

A simple description of the childhood and youth of the Chilean author Isabel Allende.

Juana Ines/Juana Ines (Cuando los Grandes Eran Pequenos/ When the Grown-Ups Were Children) (Spanish Edition)

Biographical poem about the childhood of poet and nun, Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz.

My Diary from Here to There/Mi Diario De Aqui Hasta Alla

A young girl describes her feelings when her father decides to leave their home in Mexico to look for work in the United States.

La Nochebuena South Of The Border

In this bilingual version of “The Night before Christmas,” Santa has become Papa Noel and his reindeer have been replaced with eight burros pulling a cart.

El Mejor Es Mi Papa/ My Dad Is The Best (Gongoli) (Spanish Edition)

Puerto Rico’s best-selling author offers us this warm and loving tale about relationships between father and child. In a kingdom far, far away, a time and place has been set to choose the best father of all. In verses, each one of the animals, from a chick to a firefly, from a frog to a penguin, tells why their candidate is the best one. Find out the reasons why everyone’s father is the best in the world.

Three Kings Day: A Celebration At Christmastime

For many Latino Americans one of the best things about Christmas is that it lasts for twelve days. The final day, Three Kings Day, comes on January 6 and honours the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem. It’s a favourite holiday for children, with presents from the kings as well as parades, performances, parties, lively music, and scrumptious food. While describing the customs and revelry ten-year-old Veronica shares with her family and New York City’s Puerto Rican community, this book portrays a celebration that is rich in tradition and artistry. A glossary and index are included.