Avocado Magic

Ellie finds herself disappointed when she wakes up on her birthday and realizes she hasn’t grown taller overnight. However, her father shares a comforting secret with her: just like the small but magical avocado pit, Ellie is full of potential and growth.

Together, Ellie and her father plant an avocado seed by the window and patiently watch as both Ellie and the avocado plant begin to flourish. As they nurture the plant, Ellie learns valuable lessons about patience, perseverance, and the wonders of nature.

Inspired by the childhood experiences of Israeli artist and writer, Taltal Levi, this story captures the universal magic of growth and transformation. Included with the story are instructions for growing your own avocado tree, inviting readers to embark on their own journey of discovery and growth alongside Ellie.

Queen Of Leaves: The Story Of Botanist Ynes Mexia

The true story of Ynes Mexia, a Mexican-American botanist whose passion for plants led her on great expeditions, despite being in her early 50s, to gather flowers and plant samples for museums and universities around the world. Ynes went on to collect more than 100,000 specimens, including the elusive wax palm tree, which forever changed the world of botany, thus solidifying her place as the Queen of Leaves.


Mnoomin Maan’gowing / The Gift Of Mnoomin

A child marvels at the intricate web of life surrounding a single mnoomin seed. Through imaginative exploration, the child envisions the interconnected roles played by various creatures, from the fleeting mayfly to the majestic eagle and sturdy moose. Each creature contributes to the seed’s journey, culminating in the possibility of its sprouting.

Written in Anishinaabemowin and English, this beautifully illustrated picture book showcases the cultural and ecological importance of the mnoomin seed.

And Then The Seed Grew

In an ordinary garden full of flowers and plants, little Jack and Mr. Gnome live above the ground, while Yvonne the mole, the Field Mouse family, Paulie the earthworm and Colette the ant live below the ground. Everybody is happy in the garden. Until one day, a new seed arrives, which soon sprouts into a plant. As the plant begins to grow (and grow, and grow), its stalk and leaves get in the way of those aboveground, and its roots disrupt the homes and passageways of those underground. Before long, the plant has gotten so large, it has become a huge problem for the garden’s residents. So, the friends decided they must chop it down. Unless … wait! What’s that growing on the plant?

Life on Surtsey, Iceland’s Upstart Island

In this addition to the Scientists in the Field series, readers join scientists as they tackle something unusual in the world of ecosystems: colonization. Not a colonization by people, but one of cells, seeds, spores, and other life forms that blow in, fly in, float in, and struggle to survive on the beautiful but harsh new island of Surtsey.

Lessons From Mother Earth

Tess has visited her grandmother many times without really being aware of the garden. But today they step outside the door and Tess learns that all of nature can be a garden. And if you take care of the plants that are growing, if you learn about them — understanding when they flower, when they give fruit, and when to leave them alone — you will always find something to nourish you. At the end of their day Tess is thankful to Mother Earth for having such a lovely garden, and she is thankful to have such a wise grandma.

¡Olinguito, De La A A La Z!

Uses the framework of the alphabet to present information about plants and animals of the cloud forest on the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes and the 2013 discovery of the olinguito. Includes additional information about the cloud forest and the discovery of the olinguito, a map, a glossary, an author’s note, and author’s sources.

Xochitl And The Flowers/Xochitl, La Niña De Las Flores

Xochitl and her family, newly arrived in San Francisco from El Salvador, create a beautiful plant nursery in place of the garbage heap behind their apartment, and celebrate with their friends and neighbors.

See the review at WOW Review, Volume 8, Issue 2