Out Of War: True Stories From The Front Lines Of The Children’s Movement For Peace In Colombia

Through nine intimate first-person narratives, Out of War tells the story of the Children’s Movement for Peace, a network of organizations struggling against the forty-year civil war in Colombia. Readers will meet young people like Juan Elias, who decided he could best avenge his father’s murder by fighting to end the war; Maritza, who found refuge in the peace movement after her family and friends abandoned her in the communas of Medellin; and Beto, who works for the peace he never had in his abusive home. The voices of these children are raw and real, and their stories are nothing short of inspirational. In 1996, the Children’s Movement for Peace helped organize the Children’s Mandate, a referendum on children’s rights in Colombia. Two million children turned out to vote for their right to peace, sending the Colombian government a powerful message about its inability to control the violence within its borders. Since then, the Movement has worked to help children cope with loss, displacement, poverty, and other effects of the war. It has also taught children how to resolve conflict without fighting. The movement’s work is impressive, yet Out of War is really about the individual children who lead the group. Through them, readers will learn not only about the tenuous life of children in Colombia, but about what it means to give back to your community and face adversity with true courage and hope.

Red Glass

Sixteen-year-old Sophie has been frail and delicate since her premature birth, but discovers her true strength during a journey through Mexico, where the six-year-old orphan her family hopes to adopt was born, and to Guatemala, where her would-be boyfriend hopes to find his mother and plans to remain.

The Goldsmith’s Daughter

A bearer of doom, or a bringer of change? As the Aztec empire falls, one girl defies her destiny.In the golden city of Tenochtitlán, the people live in awe of Emperor Montezuma and in fear of blood-hungry gods. Under an ill-fated sky, a girl is born, facing a life of submission and domestic drudgery. But Itacate has a secret passion for goldwork, forbidden to women, and is forced to disguise her identity to protect herself and her family. When her city is shaken by Cortez’s invasion, Itacate challenges fate, culture, and faith by crafting golden statues — and pursuing the love of a man who should be her enemy. From the author of I AM APACHE comes a tale of clashing cultures, a rich and powerful depiction of Aztec life during the Spanish conquest of Mexico.

Ana’s Story (Spanish Edition): La Historia De Ana: Un Camino Lleno De Esperanza

La historia de Ana comienza el día en que nació afectada con el VIH, virus que le transmitió su joven madre, quien muere pocos años después. Desde entonces, la infancia de Ana es una maraña de secretos—secretos sobre su enfermedad, su familia y los abusos que ha sufrido—. Arrastrada de una casa a otra, difícilmente encuentra seguridad o aceptación. Mas cuando se enamora y se embaraza a los diecisiete años, inicia una jornada que la conducirá a un nuevo comienzo, nuevas penas y una nueva esperanza.

Basada en su trabajo con UNICEF e inspirada en la vida de una chica que conoció personalmente, Jenna Bush narra la historia de muchos niños del mundo que viven marginados y excluidos de lo más elemental: cuidado, apoyo y educación. Al final del libro encontrarás una serie de recursos que te indican cómo puedes ayudar a cambiar la situación de niños como Ana y cómo puedes protegerte a ti y a los demás.

She Thief

When Demi–a master pickpocket working for the gang leader Fay–steals a ring, his partner in crime, Baz, soon finds herself alone and betrayed as police and the Barrio’s crime boss close in on Fay and her den of child thieves.

Sisters / Hermanas

Compares the lives of two fourteen-year-olds–an illegal immigrant who sells herself on the streets and a suburban princess obsessed with becoming head cheerleader–both trapped in worlds where beauty and youth are pricey commodities.

Estrellas Peregrinas / Walking Stars: Cuentos De Magia Y Poder / Magic And Power Stories

First ever Spanish-language edition of the critically acclaimed collection of short stories for young adults by a master of Latino literature “We’re all walking stars,” the eighty-four year old guide tells Victor Villaseñor as he travels to his mother’s birthplace, La Lluvia de Oro. “Don’t you know what we all are? We are all stars that come from the heavens.” In Estrellas peregrinas, the Spanish-language edition of his critically acclaimed collection of short stories for young adults, Villaseñor shares that enchanted world with the reader. Magic rains down from the heavens like stars, coating each of the family stories in a sheen of la vida as it should be: filled with power and surprises that give each character the strength to endure. The stories brim with a cast of extraordinary characters in challenging situations: the young girl on her first day of school who shows bravery even in the face of school-yard taunts . . . a young man about to be hanged that can only be saved by the miracle of song . . . and the young boy who faces El Diablo in a dark peach orchard. Through it all, the characters truly show themselves to be walking stars, tiny luminous sparks of light, and they are able to affect change in their lives and the world around them by relying on their bravery, their strength, and their faith in themselves. These are the stories of ancestors long-past, stories that will scrape off the dust of modernity on the reader’s skin to show the glowing beings that Villaseñor and his family believe we once were and can still be.